Sunday, May 22, 2011


We made it here! Other than a delayed flight in Miami, all is well. The people are friendly, the rooms look comfy (that will be better determined in a few hours), and we have breakfast instructions. A piece of bread, an egg, a juice and a coffee- everyday for the next two weeks. Sarcasm is optional when reading that statement.

So I may have presented you with some slightly false information. I was dozing on the flight and groggily wondering why my flight time to Quito from Miami said 4 hours when the times only added up to three. I turned to trusty iPod and checked the time in Quito; sure enough, they are an hour behind EST. It turns out that they don't observe daylight savings time. While  we technically haven't left the eastern time zone, we are in fact an hour behind. (I was dreading that I was going to have to be all humble and admit I was wrong about the title, I was thankful that Katie was able to set me straight and avoid my having to come up with some clever thing to add to the title!)

Lessons from the day: people watching in Miami is entertaining, but not entertaining enough to last six and a half hours. One can now fly from Miami to Havana, Cuba with seemingly little trouble, surprising to me but perhaps not to others as I am not up to date on my Cuba-US relations. Thirdly, I find myself in that curious state of mind similar to when I am a voluntary notetaker for a class; my notes for class become more detailed and I pay better attention in class when I know someone else is learning from what I choose to communicate to them, and as the audience for my experiences on this trip has suddenly grown beyond myself, I find myself reflecting a little deeper and wanting to convey my experiences beyond a simple list of what I have seen and done.

I snapped this as we were descending into Miami- reversal of the traditional subdivision around the lake, I wish I knew how they make this

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